This machine has been a labour of love, being a Elna Heritage Centre we hate for these Classic Swiss made Elna’s to go to waste. Its taken a patient two years to find a faultless foot control for this model and it was 4th time lucky!
We have replaced some of the faulty capacitors on the Circuit Board and can now bring to the market a complete fully working model. Which features a free arm and the option for a Elevated Sewing Surface!
As can be seen in the pictures we have all the accessories listed in the manual including Sewing Foot / Buttonhole Foot / Zip Foot / Blind Stitch Foot / Fagoting Plate / Gathererfor Elastic / Cleaning Brush / Small Screwdriver / Spool Support / Needle Threader / 10 x Original Bobbins / Instruction Manual
The machine will come with a PAT Test Certificate in the name of the purchaser.
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SKU: Elcl500
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